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Institutional clients.

We open up potential along the entire value chain.

Talk to us

Asset management for insurance companies, pension funds and pension schemes is our core business.

We offer both portfolio management and investment administration, including comprehensive regulatory services that meet the high requirements of insurance companies and pension funds, companies, asset managers, foundations, state organizations and local authorities. We assume full responsibility for ongoing portfolio monitoring and providing our clients with complete information. We strive for long-term partnerships because we see ourselves as part of the value chain. Through our excellent system landscape, connectivity and processes, we bring qualitative and financial added value.

We make more out of your values


Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen

Wir gehen immer von Ihren speziellen Bedürfnissen und Anforderungen aus und entwickeln gemeinsam ganzheitliche und individuelle Investmentlösungen. Dabei ermöglichen wir Ihnen den Zugang zu allen Assetklassen. Das tiefe Verständnis Ihrer Ziele, Restriktionen und Risikotoleranz sind Grundlage unserer ganzheitlichen Beratung. Von der strategischen Allokation über das Portfolio- und Risikomanagement hin zu Administration und Reporting. Das bietet Ihnen Planungssicherheit bei voller Transparenz für die Zukunft.


Intelligent gesteuerte Prozesse

Als Grundlage für das Management Ihres Portfolios betrachten wir Ihre Renditeerwartung, Risikobereitschaft, Solvenz und Liquidität. Danach definieren unsere Experten gemeinsam mit Ihnen die Ausrichtung Ihres Portfolios und bewirtschaften es nach abgestimmten Vorgaben. Alle Projekte fußen dabei auf fundiertem Research. Unser Team hat langjährige, tiefgreifende Erfahrung in der Unternehmensanalyse und nutzt zusätzlich digitale Tools für die Performance Ihrer Anlagen.


Umfassende Versicherungsexpertise

Als Asset Manager der Versicherungen und Pensionskassen des HDI-Konzerns, der Hannover Re-Gruppe und von bereits über 50 institutionellen Kunden bringen wir die Branchenkenntnis mit, die uns gemeinsam zu innovativen Lösungen führt. Als Vorreiter in der Branche setzen wir die Entwicklungen in der Regulatorik effizient und vollumfänglich um. Gemeinsam gehen wir in entsprechende strategische Überlegungen zu Ihrer Portfoliogestaltung. Planungssicherheit und Transparenz geben Ihnen die nötige Kontrolle über Ihre Zukunft

Katrin Behrens

Leitung Vertrieb Institutionelle Kunden & Marketing

As the asset manager of the Talanx Group, we master the challenges of rapidly changing markets and ever-increasing regulatory requirements every day. All Ampega clients benefit from this industry-specific expertise and our cost-effective solutions.

Ampega range of services


Special funds

The management of special funds is one of our core services in the administration of capital investments. We are licensed as an external UCITS capital management company and external AIF capital management company in accordance with the KAGB.

Direct investments

We offer customized solutions in various areas of the capital market. We have in-depth knowledge of the international interest rate, foreign exchange, commodities, energy and capital markets and continuously analyze their development. We are also available to you as a central point of contact for all questions relating to direct investment and risk management.


What counts for us are the values and individual perspectives of our partners. As a full-service provider, we cover the entire spectrum of value creation, from strategy to reporting. From strategy to reporting, we rely on our excellent expertise to fulfill them. Creatively and with innovative strength.

Portfolio Management


Alternative investments

Neither traditional nor conventional, but innovative. Whether private equity or private debt, whether securitization structures or investments in participations, commodities or infrastructure investments: alternative investments have been gaining in importance for years and have long since established themselves as a separate asset class in the market.

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Fixed Income

The structure of the bond markets is constantly changing and issue volumes are growing. This is constantly creating new opportunities for investors. We are present on all major bond markets. With our expertise and many years of experience, we are constantly looking for and finding the best sources of income for our clients.

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We offer a broad selection of innovative, client-oriented equity solutions across the entire investment spectrum. All equity strategies are customized to meet individual client objectives and are guided by our fundamental research and robust Ampega investment process. The aim is to achieve high risk-adjusted returns.

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